String s1 = "hello\r world \nhello world"; System.out.println(s1); String s2 = s1.replaceAll("[\n\r]", ""); System.out.println(s2);
Here the first argument is replaced with the second argument.
First argument = regular expression used to specify what you want to replace
Second argument = string
I will show you a manual method to replace newline and carriage return from a string
Method 1:- Using two for loops , substring , indexOf , ternary operator
String s1 = "hello\r world \nhello world"; String s2 =""; for(int j =0 ; j < 2 ; j++){ for(int i = 0 ; i < s1.length() ; i++){ if(s1.indexOf( j==0 ? '\n' : '\r' , i) != -1){ s2 += s1.substring(i, s1.indexOf(j==0 ? '\n' : '\r', i)); i = s1.indexOf(j==0 ? '\n' : '\r', i); } else{ s2+=s1.substring(i, s1.length()); break; } } if(j==0){ s1 = s2; s2=""; } } System.out.println(s2);Method 2:- Using StringBuffer. This is a much cleaner method
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String s1 = "hello\r world \nhello world"; for(int i = 0 ; i < s1.length() ; i++){ if(s1.charAt(i) != '\n' && s1.charAt(i) != '\r' ){ stringBuffer.append(s1.charAt(i)); } } System.out.println(stringBuffer.toString());
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